Senin, 11 April 2011

10 Sentence Coordinate Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses. Look at the examples that follow:
1. The bowl of squid eyeball stew is hot and delicious.
2. The squid eyeball stew is so thick that you can eat it with a fork or spoon.
3. Rocky, my orange tomcat, loves having his head scratched but hates getting his claws trimmed.
4. Rocky terrorizes the poodles next door yet adores the German shepherd across the street.
5. Rocky refuses to eat dry cat food, nor will he touch a saucer of squid eyeball stew.
6. I hate to waste a single drop of squid eyeball stew, for it is expensive and time-consuming to make.
7. Even though I added cream to the squid eyeball stew, rocky ignored his serving, so I got a spoon and ate it myself.
8. My dog Floyd has too many fleas and too much hair.
9. My cat Buster has beautiful blue eyes but a destructive personality.
10. You can study hard for this exam or you can fail.

Definition of Coordinate Conjunctions

Some words are satisfied spending an evening at home, alone, eating ice-cream right out of the box, watching Seinfeld re-runs on TV, or reading a good book. Others aren't happy unless they're out on the town, mixing it up with other words; they're joiners and they just can't help themselves. A conjunction is a joiner, a word that connects (conjoins) parts of a sentence.
A type of conjunctions that is used to connect two words or groups of words of equal grammatical status. The most common coordinating conjuctions are "and" and "or" in English, y and o in spanish. "But" (pero) is also sometimes used as a coordinating conjunction.
Also known as conjuncion coordinante or conjuncion de coordinacion in Spanish.
A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two or more sentences joined into one using a coordinate conjunction, such as and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so. The following are the examples :
1. AND (addition)
Dolphins are friendly animals, and they are also intelligent.
2. BUT (contrast)
Her cousin moved away, but she stayed in town.
3. OR (alternation)
Are you going to the party, or will you stay home?
4. YET (contrast)
Michelle is a vegetarian, yet she eats chicken.
5. FOR (cause)
That student failed, for he was very ill this year.
6. NOR
Rocky refuses to eat dry cat food, nor will he touch a saucer of squid eyeball stew.
7. SO ( result)
The books were cheap, so I bought all of them.

Jumat, 08 April 2011

10 Sentence Noun Clause

1. (Where does she live?) I don't know where she lives.
2. (How old is she?) I don't know how her old.
3. (What was he talking about?) What he talked was interesting?
4. (Where do you live?) Please tell me where you live.
5. (What did she say?) I knowed that she said wasn't true.
6. (When are they coming?) Do you know when they coming.
7. (Which one does he want?) Lets ask him to choose what does he want.
8. (Whose pen is this?) Do you know whose this pen?
9. (Why did they leave the country?) I didn't know, because that is a secret.
10. (Who are those people?) I don't know who those people are.

Definition of Noun Clause

A noun is used as a subject or an object.
A noun clause is used as a subject. In other words, a noun clause is used in the same ways as a noun.
A noun clause is a clause functioning as a noun. It has its own subject and verb.
Noun clauses perform eight main grammatical functions within sentences in the English language. Both native speakers and ESL students must learn the eight functions to fully and correctly use noun clauses in spoken and written English. The eight functions of noun clauses are:

1. Subject
2. Subject complement
3. Direct object
4. Object complement
5. Indirect object
6. Prepositional complement
7. Adjective phrase complement
8. Appositive

Noun clauses are defined as subordinate or dependent clauses formed by a subordinating conjunction followed by a clause. Noun clauses perform nominal functions, or functions prototypically performed by noun phrases.
Noun Clauses as Subjects

The first grammatical function that noun clauses can perform is the subject. Subjects are defined as words, phrases, and clauses that perform the action of or act upon the predicate. For example, the following italicized noun clauses function as subjects

Europe Type Of Music That Smelled Betawi

OrkesTanjidor has grown since the 19th century, flourished in rural areas. According to some information, the orchestra was coming from the orchestra that originally fostered in an environment landlords, such as landlords Citeureup, near Cibinong.

In general, musical instruments in the orchestra Tanjidor consists of wind instruments such as the piston (cornet a piston), trombone, tenor, clarinet, bass, percussion instruments are equipped with a common membrane called the drum or drums. With enough equipment to accompany the parade or parading pengantin.Untuk performances especially the place and not moving his instruments are often combined with tools such as tehyan friction, and some membranfon like a tambourine, drum and drums, coupled with some percussion instrument such as kecrek, kempul and gongs.

As folk art, orchestra supporters Tanjidor especially farmers in rural areas. In general, artists can not Tanjidor rnengandalkan a living from the results obtained from the field of art. Most of their living from farming or petty trading.

By supporting community Tanjidor used to enliven a celebration such as weddings, circumcisions and the like, or public parties like to celebrate the birthday of the Declaration of Independence. Until the fifties crowds of ordinary Tanjidor performing tour, the term "Ngamen". This tour was primarily conducted at the time New Year's party, both AD and Imlek.Perlu noted, that in accordance with the development of time and tastes of society supporters, with the usual Tanjidor also dangdut songs. There is also a special rendition of the Sundanese Pop-song known as "Winingan tanji".

Typical Jakarta Arts Dance Ngibing

In the history of the Betawi arts, dance cokek is one of the leading entertainment. In addition to wide-spread too quickly much-loved community Betawi Betawi outskirts of the city to residents. At that time almost every organized party entertainment, both celebrations banquet weddings to bridal party circumcision. And variety of events that are party people. That is where the dancers cokek demonstrates his ability to dance while singing. Perhaps it is less afdol if dancers cokek just dancing. Therefore, in its development must also be smart in addition to dancing, aka vocal singing with melodious voice accompanied by the strains of music Gambang Kromong. So the meeting between the songs and the music is really lively show ngejreng beeng aka ..

No mention too clearly who the leaders or the perpetrators of the first who introduced the dance-egol Egal while shaking her hips that kenes. Surely there are other coquetry raised by the dancers is to attract the opposite sex, plus the cast of beautiful dancers attract guests to follow him on stage or in pairs ngibing courts of the house residents. Tari Betawi people call ngibing cokek. As long as they were handed a drink palm wine ngibing for excitement. Similar Tayub Dance from Central Java.

So beautiful and familiar type of this dance. The female dancers who dress up and primp menor, his face smeared with powder and lip bergincu, plus fragrance oil wewangin stamp mermaid. In the opening dance dancers dancing in a position parallel to the side, like a row position Ketoprak art Java platform. They stretched out his arms to shoulder height, while stepping back and forth motion of the foot accompanied by typical songs Gambang Kromong. Then they were invited to dance to the guests who attended with draping scarves. Submission shawl is usually given to guests who are considered the most respectable. When the guests are willing to dance then they started dancing in pairs. Each pair face at close range but do not touch each other. In some songs there are couples who danced back to each other. If you happen to place large, there are some dancers whirling in a circle. Finished dancing, guests pengibing provides benefits in the form of money to the dancers cokek serving.

Juvenile Delinquency

Basically, juvenile delinquency is a form of adolescent behavior that does not comply with the rules prevailing in society, or it can also be said that juvenile delinquency is a form of deviant behavior
Deviant behavior can also be viewed as a manifestation of social context, and deviant behavior can not be seen simply as an action that is not feasible, but more than that should be seen as a result of interaction of improper transactions between a person with social learning or social environment "error" In the interaction of social transaction can be collected in some ways (Kauffman, 1989:6)
In a decision of Presidential Instruction No: 6 / 1997 handbook 8, also said that juvenile delinquency is a behavioral disorder or actions that are anti-social teenagers, violating social norms, religion, and the applicable law in society
According to its shape, sunarwiyati S (1985) divides juvenile delinquency into three levels:
1. ordinary delinquency, such as love going out the door without saying goodbye, ditching school, etc.
2. will know that leads to violations and crimes, like riding a motorcycle without a sim
3. special delinquency such as substance abuse, sex outside of marriage, etc.. In this study, we describe the categories above as a measure of juvenile delinquency.
4. been described in the thinking of Emile Durkheim (in Soerjono Soekanto, 1985: 73) that deviant behavior, within certain limits considered as normal sosiaal fact, in his book "Rules of Sociological method" explained that in certain limits, juvenile delinquency is normal because it may remove it completely. Thus, a behavior is considered normal if the behavior does not cause chaos or unrest in society.
5. viewed from the background, one of the causes of juvenile delinquency is the lack of social interaction, especially in a family other than that, social function in a society is also needed by (achlis,)

Student Ethics

Lecturer is a lecturer at the university level. In the lecture, a lecturer was instrumental in teaching and learning. Although each faculty has its own characteristics, but they do not escape from responsibility for the intellectual life of the nation, especially on Students.
Therefore a student should not discriminate - distinguished lecturer in the lecture. Because this can be detrimental to the student. Students can not fully concentrate because they caused too much attention to the characteristics of lecturers.
In accordance with the ideology of multiculturalism, that group - cultural groups are in degree of equality, democracy and true tolerance. Therefore, it was time to post this reform the Indonesian people, especially college students should understand and have a basic guideline for the togetherness of living and equal a practical guidance in dealing with real life - today.
Good communication between students and lecturers very penRata Penuhting also in order to sharpen the understanding and knowledge, in order to avoid miscommunication and did not see eye to eye. Good communication can be done for example by means / activities discussions, seminars or workshops.
If possible, better leaders, lecturers and students from various courses to sit together to discuss important issues with respect to ideals - ideals or mission and fission University, respectively - each.
Similarly, the principle of students is only possible to grow and live securely when having tolerance for differences of any kind,
Social discrimination, political, cultural, educational and economic force in the reign of the new order, a gradual or radical should be undermined by the willingness to uphold democracy in favor of equality in human values ​​as a nation of Indonesia.
In Indonesia, there are many cultures that come from almost all ethnic groups. This may manifest as a multicultural society, where citizens can live together, tolerance and mutual respect. Cultural values ​​are not just a discourse, but should be the benchmark assessments or ethical and moral guidelines in the act was right and proper for the People of Indonesia. This value must be a reference to act, both in the field of social, economic, political and individual action.
Among the fundamental principles of democracy that should be developed in Indonesia is the degree of individual equality, freedom, tolerance for differences, conflict and consensus, law and just and civilized humanity.
The principle of democracy is allowed to develop only in a multicultural society, which is based on equality, democracy and true tolerance.
It can be concluded that the success of teaching and learning in the lecture very much determined by the ethics and the way in addressing the characteristics of student teachers.

Working Tips Exam

When working at the time of the test is the most stressful, for enghadapinya you need to know some tips that I will give this. but before you do not get reckless with mengabil road looking for answers to key leaked UN 2011. Any tips would I give? see description below:

1. Try before going to school to take exams try breakfast and pray first. why? because with breakfast the belly will be filled and the brain would be maximal in thinking.

2. previously you would have prepared themselves by learning, if not then it is your fault, because you should have sailed to what he would travel to the exam time.

3. buag your mind of all the things that bother you, like girls, msalah friends, family problems, and other msalah because this will make you unable to concentrate work on exam

4. Focus on subjects that will be tested, do not get when you matika ujianya mate instead studied physics, did ga disconnected.

12 Healthy Habits

1. Familiarize Breakfast Every Day
2. Add Fish and Omega 3 Fatty Acids in the Diet You
3. Enough Sleep
4. Make a Social Network
5. Exercise for Better Health
6. Keep your Teeth and Oral Hygiene
7. Enjoy Hobbies
8. Protect the Skin You
9. Snack in a healthy way
10. Drinking water and eating dairy products
11. Drinking Tea
12. Daily Road

Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

Earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale that occurred in Japan, on Friday (03/11/2011) afternoon, was recorded as the biggest earthquake in history that ever happened in the land of Sakura. Throughout the record of seismicity in Japan, has not been a strong earthquake which immediately followed the disaster. Black smoke is rising from the industrial park in Yokohama area Isogo. Visible boats, cars, trucks, and aircraft drift swept by the tsunami. Including houses, buildings, vehicles, and Of course people who could not evacuate. A bridge, its location is unknown, it appears collapsed into the water. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) had earlier stated that the earthquake measuring 7.9 Richter scale and centered at a depth of 24.3 km about 130 km east of Sendai on the main island of Honshu. However, the USGS later said that an earthquake measuring 8.9 magnitude.
Calculation of the victims killed by the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan has reached 10,668 people, according to data released by local police Sankei newspaper on Sunday. The atmosphere of sadness enveloped burial 60 victims of the earthquake and tsunamis that hit Japan some time ago. Japanese society has a habit of actually cremate the bodies of their family members. But in emergencies, the Japanese government finally took steps to make the mass graves as the final resting place for victims.
The tsunami which in Japanese means big waves in the harbor, carrying any message to us in Indonesia? With this event we certainly need to look at ha-related matters that exist in our country. The effort and seriousness of the natural look and prepare for the mental attitude and infrastructure / facilities such as this man who has saved a lot of people and property from the impact of the earthquake that has become the custom in Japan. Disasters in Japan this momentum can also be used to make various policies and programs to anticipate earthquakes and disseminating implementation. When disaster happens then no one could resist, and can dodge. Like the Tsunami disaster that occurred in our country in 2006. Human time can not be prevented even though sedetikpun. That disaster, When comes the man should accept it and deal with all the strength and capability.
Similarly, 8.9 Richter earthquake disaster and tsunami that occurred in Japan. Japan is famous for its high tehnologinya can even create a modern, anti-quake houses can not afford to face brunt and fury of the earthquake and tsunami. This is more proof that how weak humans when confronted with the power of the Creator. No force of any human being can fight His will. As humans we should try to make all tools and any sophisticated technology. But do not forget the man given the weakness. Technology also has weaknesses and shortcomings. So all efforts and efforts should be brought back again to the power of the creator as the Indonesian nation, we must also realize that a similar disaster never happened in our country, in Aceh. It is not possible or is not impossible that such disasters will still happen again in our country. Make everything as a valuable lesson and warning of ourselves.

The Impact of Bus Transjakarta

Transportation is very important for everyone. Transjakarta bus is one of the new public transport vehicles - has recently been operated. According to wikipedia Transjakarta bus is a bus rapid transport system or the Bus Rapid Transit in Jakarta, Indonesia. Transjakarta bus using a special channel that only traveled by bus. Given Transjakarta expected to reduce congestion, and can create comfort for its passengers. But with the bus instead Transjakarta negatively impact on the public transportation drivers. According to an article contained in, 1908 carrying public transportation and other public vehicles which threatened not operate and the driver lost livelihoods due to the operation of buses in the area tangerang Tranjakarta south. If we see from the statement, imagine how much public transportation drivers who idle in all areas contained Tranjakarta bus? Certainly not a little and if the public transportation is still operated, drivers of public transportation will also continue to receive negative impacts due to reduction in their income due to reduced bus passengers who switch to Transjakarta. This is very worrying, when peoples who have enough money to enjoy excellent facilities while on the other side of people - wealthy people who do not have to accept the negative impact of this facility. I think the government should consider the negative impact given this Transjakarta bus and can provide the best solution for all parties.

Impact of Business Ethics Violations For Sellers

In the world of business customers or consumers is the most must come first, because without a seller's customers will not get the benefits he expects. Usually the seller will try to understand the consumer both in terms of consumer prices that can be achieved, the quality of goods or services that consumers diiinginkan, etc.. But many sellers who ignore it.

One example is one of my friends who never bought an MP3 player and a stabilizer in a store, it's time he bought at a price cheaper than other shops located around the area, with the same brand. But after several days to a month MP3s are not damaged and was followed by the Stabilizer. This incident not only affects my friends on this one, but one of my friends have experienced it lainpun ditoko same.

Based on the above events, of course this is very harmful to consumers, where consumers now have started memepercayai seller at a price that is cheaper and the same brand with the other stores, have been let down by poor quality. This of course does not create a customer. Because consumers who feel harmed and would not want to buy more goods - those goods ditoko the same.

In addition to the creation of a customer is not it also can reduce the buyers - a new buyer. Why is that? Because of possible buyers who have bought goods in the store and have felt disadvantaged told her friend not to buy the goods sold in the store.


Global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean, and the Earth's land. One of the causes of global warming is the greenhouse effect. All sources of energy contained in the Earth comes from the sun. Most of the energy in the form of short wave radiation, including visible light. When this energy arriving on Earth, he changed from light into heat that warms the Earth. Earth's surface, will absorb some of the heat and reflecting back the rest. Some of this heat wave form of infrared radiation into space long. But some of the heat remains trapped in the earth's atmosphere due to deposition amount of greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane which trap this radiation waves. These gases absorb and reflect back the radiation waves emitted by the Earth and consequently the heat is stored in the Earth's surface. This situation occurs continuously resulting in an annual average temperature of the earth continues to rise. These gases may serve as a greenhouse gas. With the increasing concentration of these gases in the atmosphere, the more heat is trapped underneath.
I think the cause of the greenhouse effect is, there is air pollution. This air pollution arising from many industries - industries, the increasing number of users of such vehicles in addition is supported also by the lack of logging and reforestation, because one mandaat plants absorb carbon dioxide is used to process fotosintesisi. Causes of global temperature rise we have experienced yaiti as examples such as increased intensity of extreme weather phenomena of the end - the end of this, rising sea levels, and changes in the number and pattern of precipitation. Consequences of global warming are another character of agricultural output, loss of glaciers, and the extinction of various animal species. We must pay more attention to our environment especially related to air pollution, familiarize yourself with the use of public transport, and start planting some of your plants at home. So that global warming can be reduced slowly by slowly.


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