Jumat, 08 April 2011

Student Ethics

Lecturer is a lecturer at the university level. In the lecture, a lecturer was instrumental in teaching and learning. Although each faculty has its own characteristics, but they do not escape from responsibility for the intellectual life of the nation, especially on Students.
Therefore a student should not discriminate - distinguished lecturer in the lecture. Because this can be detrimental to the student. Students can not fully concentrate because they caused too much attention to the characteristics of lecturers.
In accordance with the ideology of multiculturalism, that group - cultural groups are in degree of equality, democracy and true tolerance. Therefore, it was time to post this reform the Indonesian people, especially college students should understand and have a basic guideline for the togetherness of living and equal a practical guidance in dealing with real life - today.
Good communication between students and lecturers very penRata Penuhting also in order to sharpen the understanding and knowledge, in order to avoid miscommunication and did not see eye to eye. Good communication can be done for example by means / activities discussions, seminars or workshops.
If possible, better leaders, lecturers and students from various courses to sit together to discuss important issues with respect to ideals - ideals or mission and fission University, respectively - each.
Similarly, the principle of students is only possible to grow and live securely when having tolerance for differences of any kind,
Social discrimination, political, cultural, educational and economic force in the reign of the new order, a gradual or radical should be undermined by the willingness to uphold democracy in favor of equality in human values ​​as a nation of Indonesia.
In Indonesia, there are many cultures that come from almost all ethnic groups. This may manifest as a multicultural society, where citizens can live together, tolerance and mutual respect. Cultural values ​​are not just a discourse, but should be the benchmark assessments or ethical and moral guidelines in the act was right and proper for the People of Indonesia. This value must be a reference to act, both in the field of social, economic, political and individual action.
Among the fundamental principles of democracy that should be developed in Indonesia is the degree of individual equality, freedom, tolerance for differences, conflict and consensus, law and just and civilized humanity.
The principle of democracy is allowed to develop only in a multicultural society, which is based on equality, democracy and true tolerance.
It can be concluded that the success of teaching and learning in the lecture very much determined by the ethics and the way in addressing the characteristics of student teachers.

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