Mahasiswa memiliki peran dan tanggung jawab idiologi sebagai pewaris perjuangan bangsa maupun tangung jawab profesional yang dipersiapkan untuk menjadi ahli dalam bidang-bidang tertentu agar dapat berperan aktif dalam pembangunan.
Minggu, 04 Mei 2014
Pentingnya Pendidikan Politik Bagi Mahasiswa (Tulisan Berbahasa Indonesia Ke-5)
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Mau Jadi Mahasiswa Seperti Apakah Anda ? (Tulisan Berbahasa Indonesia Ke-4)
Nah masuk kuliah juga gak gampang loh, kalau kalian mau masuk negeri kalian harus lebih giat belajar lagi untuk bersaing masuk Perguruan Tinggi yang kalian inginkan. Swasta juga ada tes masuknya juga loh jadi kalian harus belajar juga.
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Urutan Tense (Tulisan Berbahasa Indonesia Ke-3)
Urutan Tense adalah sbb:
- Simple
- Continuous
- Perfect
- Perfect Continuous
- Present : Kata Kerja Bentuk I
- Past: Kata kerja Bentuk II
- Perfect : Kata Kerja Bentuk III, namun di depannya pasti ada have, has, atau had
- Future : Kata Kerja Bentuk I, namun di depannya pasti ada will/shall, would/should
- Continuous : Kata Kerja bentuk I ditambah ing. Namun, di depannya pasti ada to be; is, am, are, was, were, be, atau been
Present | Past |
1. Present Simple Tense 2. Present Continuous Tense 3. Present Perfect Tense 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense | 1. Past Simple Tense 2. Past Continuous Tense 3. Past Perfect Tense 4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense |
Future | Past Future |
1. Future Simple Tense 2. Future Continuous Tense 3. Future Perfect Tense 4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense | 1. Past Future Simple Tense 2. Past Future Continuous Tense 3. Past Future Perfect Tense 4. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense |
No | Tenses | Rumus |
1 | Present Simple Tense | S + V1 + dll |
2 | Present Continuous Tense | S + is, am, are + V-ing + dll |
3 | Present Perfect Tense | S + have,has + V3 + dll |
4 | Present Perfect Continuous Tense | S + have, has + been + V-ing + dll |
5 | Past Simple Tense | S + V2 + dll |
6 | Past Continuous Tense | S + was, were + V-ing + dll |
7 | Past Perfect Tense | S + had + V3 + dll |
8 | Past Perfect Continuous Tense | S + had + been + V-ing + dll |
9 | Future Simple Tense | S + will + V1 + dll |
10 | Future Continuous Tense | S + will + be + V-ing + dll |
11 | Future Perfect Tense | S + will + have + V3 + dll |
12 | Future Perfect Continuous Tense | S + will + have + been + V-ing + dll |
13 | Past Future Simple Tense | S + would + V1 + dll |
14 | Past Future Continuous Tense | S + would + be + V-ing + dll |
15 | Past Future Perfect Tense | S + would + have + V3 + dll |
16 | Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense | S + would + have + been + V-ing + dll |
No | Tenses | Contoh |
1 | Present Simple Tense | I study English |
2 | Present Continuous Tense | I am studying English |
3 | Present Perfect Tense | I have studied English |
4 | Present Perfect Continuous Tense | I have been studying English |
5 | Past Simple Tense | I studied English |
6 | Past Continuous Tense | I was studying English |
7 | Past Perfect Tense | I had studied English |
8 | Past Perfect Continuous Tense | I had been studying English |
9 | Future Simple Tense | I will study English |
10 | Future Continuous Tense | I will be studying English |
11 | Future Perfect Tense | I will have studied English |
12 | Future Perfect Continuous Tense | I will have been studying English |
13 | Past Future Simple Tense | I would study English |
14 | Past Future Continuous Tense | I would be studying English |
15 | Past Future Perfect Tense | I would have studied English |
16 | Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense | I would have been studying English |
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Apa Itu Manajemen ? (Tulisan Berbahasa Indonesia Ke-2)
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Tips belajar Bahasa Inggris (Tulisan Berbahasa Indonesia Ke-1)
Beberapa tips belajar bahasa Inggris
Agar lebih memotivasi diri Anda belajar, Anda harus mempunyai suatu tujuan yang hendak dicapai. Tujuan-tujuan tersebut dapat berjangka pendek ataupun panjang. Salah satu tujuan jangka pendek dalam belajar bahasa Inggris adalah belajar secukupnya agar dapat mereservasi sebuah kamar hotel. Sedangkan tujuan jangka panjang bisa berupa melanjutkan pendidikan di luar negeri, atau mendapat skor 6.5 untuk ujian IELTS.
2. Bersiaplah untuk Bekerja Keras
Belajar bahasa tidaklah mudah. Banyak orang yang mempunyai kesibukan lain selain belajar bahasa Inggris. Anda harus mengerti akan hal ini dan bersabar dalam proses belajar Anda. Namun tidak banyak yang akan Anda capai bila Anda tidak berusaha. Meskipun Anda memiliki guru terbaik di dunia, kemajuan Anda banyak bergantung pada diri Anda sendiri.
3. Luangkan Waktu
Banyak di antara kita mempunyai kehidupan yang sibuk dan biasanya tidak mudah untuk menambah hal baru ke dalam rutinitas sehari-hari kita. Belajar bahasa Inggris membutuhkan disiplin. Anda perlu meluangkan waktu untuk belajar dan benar-benar belajar pada saat itu. Tidak masalah bila Anda sesekali menunda belajar Anda karena terlalu lelah, tetapi jangan menjadikan itu suatu kebiasaan. Jadikan bahasa Inggris bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari jadwal rutinitas Anda.
4. Bertanyalah
Anda bukanlah sponge busa! Jadi tidak mungkin Anda menyerap semua yang diajarkan dan tidak mempunyai hal-hal yang ingin ditanyakan. Jangan takut untuk bertanya, baik kepada teman atau guru bahasa Inggris Anda di sekolah atau tempat kursus.
5. Belajar Sendiri di Rumah
Mempunyai seorang guru yang akan memberikan instruksi dan bimbingan kepada Anda sangatlah penting. Namun, bukan berarti Anda tidak dapat belajar sendiri di rumah. Jangan hanya mengeluarkan buku Anda saat Anda di dalam kelas.
6. Nonton Film Berbahasa Inggris
Ini adalah salah satu tip yang paling saya sukai. Menonton film adalah cara terbaik belajar bahasa non-formal sehari-hari dan melatih kemampuan mendengar. Anda tidak harus mengerti setiap kata di dalam film. Film-film dengan dialog singkat, diikuti dengan jeda tanpa dialog adalah yang paling ideal - karena memberikan waktu untuk menyerap bahasa tersebut. Film romantis dan drama merupakan pilihan baik.
7. Dengarkan Lagu Bahasa Inggris
Musik bisa menjadi cara yang menyenangkan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Lain kali jika Anda pergi ke tempat karaoke atau bernyanyi di depan TV rumah Anda, cobalah menyanyikan satu lagu bahasa Inggris. Ini cara yang baik untuk melatih mengekspresikan diri dalam berbahasa Inggris dan meningkatkan pengertian orang terhadap apa yang Anda katakan pada mereka dalam bahasa Inggris.
8. Membaca
9. Bergabung dengan English Corner
Beberapa tempat umum seperti toko buku biasanya mempunyai English Corner. Jangan malu-malu. Bergabunglah bersama mereka. Ajukan pertanyaan. Hal ini merupakan kesempatan bertemu dengan orang-orang yang tertarik untuk belajar bahasa Inggris seperti Anda.
10. Gunakan Internet
Internet adalah penemuan yang menakjubkan, yang mengubah cara hidup kita. Walaupun menyenangkan bisa membaca "People" setiap hari atau ngobrol dengan teman-teman secara online, rasanya sia-sia bila kita tidak menggunakan internet untuk belajar bahasa. Banyak pula tempat kursus bahasa Inggris yang menyediakan aplikasi belajar online secara cuma-cuma. Tentu saja masih banyak yang bisa Anda lakukan sendiri.
11. Baca Surat Kabar Berbahasa Inggris
Tersedia beberapa surat kabar yang menyediakan informasi dan materi yang menarik untuk dibaca. Misalnya Jakarta Post. Anda dapat membaca bagian surat kabar yang Anda minati, baik Sports, Business atau bahkan Classifieds.
12. Dengarkan Radio
Semua radio di seluruh dunia secara virtual terhubung dengan internet. Jangan puas hanya dengan VOA dan BBC. Masih banyak pilihan menarik lainnya. Coba dengarkan radio dari bagian dunia yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris, Disney Radio dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan menarik dan menyenangkan.
13. Chat
Anda dapat menggunakan MSN, Yahoo! dan program chat lainnya untuk bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Inggris secara online. Coba cari beberapa teman Anda yang berbahasa Inggris. Bila Anda menggunakan Skype, ajak teman-teman Anda untuk menggunakannya juga dan telepon mereka secara gratis melalui komputer Anda.
Ada beberapa cara kuno yang walaupun aneh kedengarannya namun bisa membantu. Untuk meningkatkan pelafalan Anda, Anda bisa menggunakan cermin untuk berlatih membuat bunyi-bunyi yang sulit dalam bahasa Inggris; rekam saat Anda berbicara bahasa Inggris dan dengarkan setelahnya, perhatikan penekanan, intonasi dan fonem Anda. Untuk berpikir dalam bahasa Inggris, lakukan percakapan imajinasi Anda dalam bahasa Inggris. Pikirkan apa yang hendak Anda katakan. Berbicaralah dengan teman Anda menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Cobalah berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman Anda, baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas bahasa Inggris. Tidak perlu kuatir dengan pelafalan yang kurang bagus. Berbicara secara teratur akan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri Anda dan Anda akan maju lebih pesat.
15. Untuk Orang Tua
Anak-anak dengan orang tua yang terlibat secara aktif dalam pendidikan mereka biasanya menjadi lebih sukses. Tunjukkan perhatian Anda melalui komunikasi dengan anak-anak Anda tentang apa yang mereka pelajari di sekolah atau tempat kursus.
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Resti Kartika
Formal Letter Writing (Tulisan Berbahasa Inggris Ke-5)
Formal letter writing is one of
the most challenging types of letter writing, as often you are
addressing a person or organisation with whom you ar enot familiar and
the quality of your content, spelling and grammar will be scrutinised.
contemporary society there is a trend to use a shorthand writing style,
for instance replacing the word "you" with "u" or replacing the word
"weekend" with "wkend", there are many other examples. This casual
approach and informal writing style can easily be easily transferred,
even subconsciously, when a more formal style is required.
Layout of a Formal Letter
example formal letter below details the general layout that a formal
letter should conform to. Each aspect of the formal letter is detailed
more fully below the image.
Formal Letter Writing Conventions
are a number of conventions that should be adhered to when producing a
formal letter. It is important that the overall structure is as clear
and concise as possible and that you avoid the use of colloquialisms.
1) The Address of the person you are writing to
address should be displayed in the top right-hand section of your
letter, remember to include the name of the person that you are writing
2) Your Address
You must always remember to include your
own address on the left-hand side of the page beneath the address of the
person that you are sending the letter to. This will enable the person
that you are writing to, to reply to your letter.
should be displayed on the right-hand side of the page on the line
beneath your address ans should be written in full format:
e.g. 1st January 2001 .
Salutation & Greeting:
1) Dear Sirs,
you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use the
greeting "Dear Sirs,". In some circumstances it is useful to find a
name, especially if you are writing to make a request.
2) Dear Mr Jones,
If you know the name, use one of the followind titles:
Mr - for a male
Mrs - for a married female
Miss - for an unmarried female
Ms - for a female whose status is unknown or would prefer to remain anonymous
Dr - for a person with the status of a doctor
followed by the surname only (not the first name).
Concluding a Letter:
1) Yours faithfully,
If you do not know the name of the person, end the letter with "Yours faithfully,".
2) Yours sincerely,
If you know the name of the person, end the letter with "Yours sincerely,".
3) Your signature
your name, then print it underneath the signature. If it is potentially
unclear what your title would be then include this in brackets next to
your printed name.
Content of a Formal Letter
Introductory Paragraph
introductory paragraph should be concise and should clearly state the
purpose of the formal letter whether that is to lodge a complaint, make
an enquiry or to request something.
Main Body
main body of the formal letter should contain state the points that you
want to make in your letter. As a general rule it is a good idea to
keep this as to the point as possible to ensure that the receipient
remains engaged. Longer letters may be more appropriate when making a
complaint as you may require to add more detail in order to convey the
importance of what you are putting accross.
Concluding Paragraph
concluding paragraph of a formal letter should outline what action you
would like the recipient to take: to make a refund, to send you
information etc.
Application of Formal Letter Writing Techniques
Letter of Complaint
letter of complaint is a formal letter sent to an individual or
organisation in response to receiving poor service or a product that is
not fit for purpose. An example of a letter of complaint would be a
letter sent to a tour operator who has provided a bad service while you
have been on holiday. This type of formal letter does not neccessarily
need to be concise as it is important that you detail your arguments and
points as much as possible.
Letter of Enquiry
letter of enquiry is a formal letter that makes an approach to an
individual or organisation either speculatively or in response to
printed public domain material whereby you are requestion some
information. An example of a letter of enquiry would be a letter sent to
an company requesting a copy of their catalogue or brochure. By their
very nature letters of enquiry are short and to the point, it is usually
beneficial to include other methods of contact incase the company needs
to get in touch with you in a more efficient manner.
Letter of Request
letter of reuest is a formal letter much like a letter of enquiry but
specifically asks an individual or organisation to take an action. An
example os a letter of request would be a letter sent to request
sponsorship for a charity activity. It is important to stress the
importance of being clear and concise with this format of letter as the
receipient must remain engaged and interested in what you have to say.
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Resti Kartika
Articles (Tulisan Berbahasa Inggris Ke-4)
English Articles
An article is a word that
combines with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the
noun, and may also specify the volume or numerical scope of that
reference. The articles in the English language are the and a (the
latter with variant form an). An article is sometimes called a noun
marker, although this is generally considered to be an archaic term.[1]
Articles are traditionally considered to form a separate part of speech.
Linguists place them in the class of determiners. Articles can have
various functions:[2] • A definite article (English the) is used before
singular and plural nouns; they are used when talking about a particular
object. The cat is on the red mat. • An indefinite article (English a,
an) is used before singular nouns; they are used when talking about any
group of objects. A cat is a mammal. • A partitive article indicates an
indefinite quantity of a mass noun; there is no partitive article in
English, though the quantifiers some or any often have that function.
French: Voulez-vous du café ? ("Would you like some coffee?" or "Do you
want coffee?") • A zero article is the absence of an article (e.g.
English indefinite plural), used in some languages in contrast with the
presence of one. Cats love fish.
- Grammar rule 1
- Grammar rule 2
- Grammar rule 3
More uses of articles in English
Rivers, mountain ranges, seas, oceans and geographic areas all use 'the'. For example, "The Thames", "The Alps", "The Atlantic Ocean", "The Middle East".
Unique things have 'the'.
For example, "the sun", "the moon".
Some institutional buildings don't have an article if you visit them for the reason these buildings exist. But if you go to the building for another reason, you must use 'the'.
"Her husband is in prison." (He's a prisoner.)
"She goes to the prison to see him once a month."
"My son is in school." (He's a student.)
"I'm going to the school to see the head master."
"She's in hospital at the moment." (She's ill.)
"Her husband goes to the hospital to see her every afternoon.
" Musical instruments use 'the'.
"She plays the piano."
Sports don't have an article.
"He plays football.
" Illnesses don't have an article.
"He's got appendicitis." But we say "a cold" and "a headache".
Jobs use 'a'. "I'm a teacher."
We don't use 'a' if the country is singular. "He lives in England." But if the country's name has a "plural" meaning, we use 'the'. "The People's Republic of China", "The Netherlands", "The United States of America".
Continents, towns and streets don't have an article. "Africa", "New York", "Church Street".
Theatres, cinemas and hotels have 'the'. "The Odeon", "The Almeira", "The Hilton".
Abbreviations use 'the'. "the UN", "the USA", "the IMF".
We use 'the' before classes of people. "the rich", "the poor", "the British". Selengkapnya...
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Resti Kartika
Verb Phrases (Tulisan Berbahasa Inggris Ke-3)
In constructed from a single verb; often, however, the verb phrase will
consist of various combinations of the main verb and any auxiliary
verbs, plus optional specifiers, complements, and adjuncts. For example,
consider the following sentences:
a. Yankee batters hit the ball to win their first World Series since 2000.
b. Mary saw the man through the window.
c. John gave Mary a book.
(a) contains the verb phrase hit the ball to win their first World
Series since 2000. Example (b) contains the main verb see, the noun
phrase (NP) complement the man, and the prepositional phrase (PP)
adjunct through the window. Additionally, example (c) contains the main
verb gave, and two noun phrases Mary and a book, both selected by the
verb in this case.
Note that according to this definition, the verb phrase corresponds to what is commonly called the predicate.
to the mid/late 1980s, it was thought that some languages lacked a verb
phrase. These included languages with extremely free word order
(so-called non-configurational languages, such as Japanese, Hungarian,
or Australian aboriginal languages), and languages with a default VSO
order (several Celtic and Oceanic languages). The current view in some
varieties of generative grammar (such as Principles and Parameters) is
that all languages have a verb phrase, while others (such as Lexical
Functional Grammar) take the view that at least some of these languages
do lack a verb phrase constituent.
Verb Phrases narrowly defined
phrases are sometimes defined more narrowly in scope to allow for only
those sentence elements that are strictly considered verbal elements to
form verb phrases. According to such a definition, verb phrases consist
only of main verbs, auxiliary verbs, and other infinitive or participle
constructions. For example, in the following sentences only the bolded
words would be considered to form the verb phrase for each sentence:
a. John gave Mary a book.
b. They were being eaten alive.
c. She kept screaming like a maniac.
d. Thou shalt not kill.
more narrow definition is often applied in functionalist frameworks and
traditional European reference grammars. It is incompatible with the
generative theory of the verb phrase, since the bolded strings are not
constituents under standard analyses.
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Resti Kartika
Memo (Tulisan Berbahasa Inggris Ke-2)
Audience and Purpose
have a twofold purpose: they bring attention to problems and they solve
problems. They accomplish their goals by informing the reader about new
information like policy changes, price increases, or by persuading the
reader to take an action, such as attend a meeting, or change a current
production procedure. Regardless of the specific goal, memos are most
effective when they connect the purpose of the writer with the interests
and needs of the reader.
Choose the audience of the memo
wisely. Ensure that all of the people that the memo is addressed to need
to read the memo. If it is an issue involving only one person, do not
send the memo to the entire office. Also, be certain that material is
not too sensitive to put in a memo; sometimes the best forms of
communication are face-to-face interaction or a phone call. Memos are
most effectively used when sent to a small to moderate amount of people
to communicate company or job objectives.
Parts of a Memo
Standard memos are divided into segments to organize the information and to help achieve the writer's purpose.
Heading Segment
The heading segment follows this general format:
TO: (readers' names and job titles)
FROM: (your name and job title)
DATE: (complete and current date)
SUBJECT: (what the memo is about, highlighted in some way)
sure you address the reader by his or her correct name and job title.
You might call the company president "Maxi" on the golf course or in an
informal note, but "Rita Maxwell, President" would be more appropriate
for a formal memo. Be specific and concise in your subject line. For
example, "Clothes" as a subject line could mean anything from a dress
code update to a production issue. Instead use something like, "Fall
Clothes Line Promotion."
Opening Segment
purpose of a memo is usually found in the opening paragraph and
includes: the purpose of the memo, the context and problem, and the
specific assignment or task. Before indulging the reader with details
and the context, give the reader a brief overview of what the memo will
be about. Choosing how specific your introduction will be depends on
your memo plan style. The more direct the memo plan, the more explicit
the introduction should be. Including the purpose of the memo will help
clarify the reason the audience should read this document. The
introduction should be brief, and should be approximately the length of a
short paragraph.
context is the event, circumstance, or background of the problem you
are solving. You may use a paragraph or a few sentences to establish the
background and state the problem. Oftentimes it is sufficient to use
the opening of a sentence to completely explain the context, such as,
"Through market research and analysis..."
Include only what your reader needs, but be sure it is clear.
Task Segment
essential portion of a memo is the task statement where you should
describe what you are doing to help solve the problem. If the action was
requested, your task may be indicated by a sentence opening like,
"You asked that I look at...."
If you want to explain your intentions, you might say,
"To determine the best method of promoting the new fall line, I will...."
only as much information as is needed by the decision-makers in the
context, but be convincing that a real problem exists. Do no ramble on
with insignificant details. If you are having trouble putting the task
into words, consider whether you have clarified the situation. You may
need to do more planning before you're ready to write your memo. Make
sure your purpose-statement forecast divides your subject into the most
important topics that the decision-maker needs.
Summary Segment
your memo is longer than a page, you may want to include a separate
summary segment. However, this section not necessary for short memos and
should not take up a significant amount of space. This segment provides
a brief statement of the key recommendations you have reached. These
will help your reader understand the key points of the memo immediately.
This segment may also include references to methods and sources you
have used in your research.
Discussion Segments
discussion segments are the longest portions of the memo, and are the
parts in which you include all the details that support your ideas.
Begin with the information that is most important. This may mean that
you will start with key findings or recommendations. Start with your
most general information and move to your specific or supporting facts.
(Be sure to use the same format when including details: strongest to
weakest.) The discussion segments include the supporting ideas, facts,
and research that back up your argument in the memo. Include strong
points and evidence to persuade the reader to follow your recommended
actions. If this section is inadequate, the memo will not be as
effective as it could be.
Closing Segment
the reader has absorbed all of your information, you want to close with
a courteous ending that states what action you want your reader to
take. Make sure you consider how the reader will benefit from the
desired actions and how you can make those actions easier. For example,
you might say,
"I will be glad to discuss this recommendation
with you during our Tuesday trip to the spa and follow through on any
decisions you make."
Necessary Attachments
sure you document your findings or provide detailed information
whenever necessary. You can do this by attaching lists, graphs, tables,
etc. at the end of your memo. Be sure to refer to your attachments in
your memo and add a notation about what is attached below your closing,
like this:
Attached: Focus Group Results, January- May 2007
format of a memo follows the general guidelines of business writing. A
memo is usually a page or two long, should be single spaced and left
justified. Instead of using indentations to show new paragraphs, skip a
line between sentences. Business materials should be concise and easy to
read. Therefore it is beneficial to use headings and lists to help the
reader pinpoint certain information.
You can help your reader
understand your memo better by using headings for the summary and the
discussion segments that follow it. Write headings that are short but
that clarify the content of the segment. For example, instead of using
"Summary" for your heading, try "New Advertising Recommendations," which
is much more specific. The major headings you choose are the ones that
should be incorporated in your purpose-statement in the opening
For easy reading, put important points or details into
lists rather than paragraphs when possible. This will draw the readers'
attention to the section and help the audience remember the information
better. Using lists will help you be concise when writing a memo.
The segments of the memo should be allocated in the following manner:
• Header: 1/8 of the memo
• Opening, Context and Task: 1/4 of the memo
• Summary, Discussion Segment: 1/2 of the memo
• Closing Segment, Necessary Attachments: 1/8 of the memo
is a suggested distribution of the material to make writing memos
easier. Not all memos will be the same and the structure can change as
you see necessary. Different organizations may have different formatting
procedures, so be flexible in adapting your writing skills.
Sample Memo
TO: Kelly Anderson, Marketing Executive
FROM: Jonathon Fitzgerald, Market Research Assistant
DATE: June 14, 2007
SUBJECT: Fall Clothes Line Promotion
market research and analysis, it has been discovered that the proposed
advertising media for the new fall lines need to be reprioritized and
changed. Findings from focus groups and surveys have made it apparent
that we need to update our advertising efforts to align them with the
styles and trends of young adults today. No longer are young adults
interested in sitcoms as they watch reality televisions shows. Also, it
is has become increasingly important to use the internet as a tool to
communicate with our target audience to show our dominance in the
clothing industry.
Internet Advertising
Company needs to focus advertising on internet sites that appeal to
young people. According to surveys, 72% of our target market uses the
internet for five hours or more per week. The following list shows in
order of popularity the most frequented sites:
• Google
• Facebook
• Myspace
• EBay
• iTunes
our efforts from our other media sources such as radio and magazine to
these popular internet sites will more effectively promote our product
sales. Young adults are spending more and more time on the internet
downloading music, communicating and researching for homework and less
and less time reading paper magazines and listening to the radio. As the
trend for cultural icons to go digital, so must our marketing plans.
Television Advertising
used to be common to advertise for our products on shows like Friends
and Seinfeld for our target audience, but even the face of television is
changing. Young adults are tuning into reality television shows for
their entertainment. Results from the focus group show that our target
audience is most interested in shows like American Idol,The Apprentice,
and America's Next Top Model. The only non-reality television show to be
ranked in the top ten most commonly watched shows by males and females
18-25 is Desperate Housewives. At Blue Incorporated, we need to focus
our advertising budget on reality television shows and reduce the amount
of advertising spent on other programs.
By refocusing our
advertising efforts of our new line of clothing we will be able to
maximize the exposure of our product to our target market and therefore
increase our sales. Tapping into the trends of young adults will help us
gain market share and sales through effective advertising.
Attachments: Focus Group Results, January- May 2007; Survey Findings, January - April 2007
This is a sample memo; facts and statistics used are fictional.
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Subject, Verb, Complement & Modifier (Tulisan Berbahasa Inggris Ke-1)
A verb is a kind of
word (see part of speech) that usually tells about an action or a state
and is the main part of a sentence. Every sentence has a verb. In
English, verbs are the only kind of word that changes to show past or
present tense.
Every language in the world has verbs, but they are
not always used in the same ways. They also can have different
properties in different languages. For example, in some other languages
(e.g., Chinese & Indonesian) verbs do not change for past and
present tense. This means the definition above only works well for
English verbs.
There are sixteen verbs used in Basic English. They
are: be, do, have, come, go, see, seem, give, take, keep, make, put,
send, say, let, get.
History of the word verb
word verb originally comes from *were-, a Proto-Indo-European word
meaning "a word". It comes to English through the Latin verbum and the
Old French verbe.
Verb forms
English and many other languages, verbs change their form. This is
called inflection. Most English verbs have six inflected forms (see the
table), but be has eight different forms.
Forms of English verbs
Primary forms past: walked She walked home
3rd singular present: walks She walks home
plain present: walk They walk home
Secondary forms plain form: walk She should walk home
gerund-participle: walking She is walking home
past participle: walked She has walked home
should notice that some of the verb forms look the same. You can say
they have the same shape. For example, the plain present and the plain
form of walk have the same shape. The same is true for the past and the
past participle. But these different forms can have different shapes in
other verbs. For example, the plain present of be is usually are but the
plain form is be. Also, the past of eat is ate, but the past participle
is eaten. When you look for a verb in the dictionary, it is usually the
plain form that you look for.
An English sentence must have at least one primary-form verb. Each main clause can only have one primary-form verb.
Kinds of Verbs
has two main kinds of verbs: normal verbs (called lexical verbs) and
auxiliary verbs. The difference between them is mainly in where they can
go in a sentence. Some verbs are in both groups, but there are very few
auxiliary verbs in English. There are also two kinds of auxiliary
verbs: modal verbs and non-modal verbs. The table below shows most of
the English auxiliaries and a small number of other verbs.
Kinds of English verbs
auxiliary verbs lexical vebs
modal verbs Can you play the piano? I fell
I will not be there I didn't fall
Shall we go I had breakfast.
Yes, you may I'm playing soccer.
You must be joking Must you make that noise?
non-modal verbs Have you seen him? Have you seen him?
I did see it I did see it
He is sleeping He is sleeping
Auxiliary verbs also inflect for negation. Usually this is done by adding n't.
• You shouldn't be here.
• He isn't at home.
• We haven't started yet.
Tense, aspect, and mood
people think that all different ways of using verbs are all different
tenses. This is not true. There are three main systems related to the
verb: tense, aspect, and mood.
is mainly used to say when the verb happens: in the past, present, or
future. Some languages have all three tenses, some have only two, and
some have no tenses at all. English and Japanese for example have only
two tenses: past and present. Chinese and Indonesian verbs do not show
tense. Instead they use other words in the sentence to show when the
verb happens.
English tenses
Present tense Past tense
She walks home She walked home
He runs quickly He ran quickly
I can swim well I could swim well
Do you live here? Did you live here?
usually shows us things like whether the action is finished or not, or
if something happens regularly. English has two aspects: progressive and
perfect. In English, aspect is usually shown by using participle verb
forms. Aspect can combine with present or past tense.
Progressive aspect
English uses the gerund-participle, usually together with the auxiliary be to show the progressive aspect.
• I'm sleeping. (present progressive)
• He was studying English last night. (past progressive)
Perfect aspect
English uses the past participle, usually together with the auxiliary have to show the perfect aspect.
• I've seen him twice. (present perfect)
• I had lived there for three years. (past perfect)
The past perfect can be used to express an unrealized hope, wish, etc.
• He had intended to bake a cake but ran out of flour.
• She had wanted to buy him a gift but he refused.
After If, wish and would rather, the past perfect can be used to talk about past events that never happened.
• If only I had been born standing up!
• I wish you had told me that before.
• I would rather you had gone somewhere else.
English mood is now usually shown by using modal verbs. In the past,
English had a full mood system but that has almost completely
disappeared. The subjunctive mood now uses the plain form. There is also
a form of be that is used in conditionals to show that something is not
true (e.g., If I were a bird, I would fly to California.)
Sentence parts that go with verbs
parts of a sentence naturally come before verbs or after them, but
these are not always the same for all verbs. The main sentence parts
are: subject, object, complement, and modifier.
all English sentences have subjects, but sentences that are orders
(called imperatives) usually do not have any subjects. A subject usually
comes before a verb, but it can also come after auxiliary verbs. In the
following examples, the subject is underlined and the primary verb is
in bold.
• We need you.
• The food was good.
• The small boy with red hair is sleeping.
• Can you see the car?
• Come here. (no subject)
verbs can be followed by an object. These verbs are called transitive
verbs. In fact, some verbs must have an object (e.g., take), but some
verbs never take an object (e.g., sleep). Verbs that do not take an
object are called intransitive verbs. Some verbs can even have two
objects. They are called ditransitive verbs. In the following examples,
the object is underlined and the primary verb is in bold.
• I'm sleeping. (no object)
• I took the book from him.
• I gave him the book. (2 objects)
• I am happy. (no object)
• I became a teacher. (complement, no object)
• I slept in my bed (1 object)
verbs can or must be followed by a complement. These verbs are called
linking verbs or copula. In the following examples, the complement is
underlined and the verb is in bold.
• He is good.
• He is a boy.
• She became sick.
• She became a manager.
• It looks nice.
can be modified by various modifiers, mainly adverbs. Note that verbs
generally do not need modifiers; it's usually a choice. In the following
examples, the adverb is underlined and the verb is in bold.
• The boy ran quickly.
• The freely swinging rope hit him.
Verbs also commonly take a variety of other modifiers including prepositions.
Differences between verbs and other kinds of words
a verb and another word can have the same shape. In these cases you can
usually see the difference by looking at various properties of the
Verbs vs. adjectives
a verb and an adjective can have the same shape. Usually this happens
with participles. For example, the present participle interesting and
the adjective interesting look the same. Verbs are different from
adjectives, though, because they cannot be modified by very, more, or
most.For example, you can say "That is very interesting," so you know
interesting is an adjective here. But you cannot say "My teacher is very
interesting me in math" because in this sentence interesting is a verb.
On the other hand, if you cannot change the 'be' verb to 'seem' or
'become', it is probably a verb.
• He was isolated / He became isolated (isolated is an adjective)
• The door was opening / *The door became opening (opening is a verb)
Verbs vs. nouns
gerund-particle sometimes looks like a noun. This is especially true
when it is used as a subject, as in the following example:
• Running is good for you.
The main differences between these verbs and nouns are: modifiers, number, and object/complement
cannot generally be modified by adjectives and nouns cannot generally
be modified by adverbs. So, in "Running regularly is good for you",
running is a verb because it is modified by regularly, an adverb.
cannot change for number, so if you can make the word plural, it is a
noun, not a verb. For example, "this drawing is nice" can change to
"these drawings are nice", so drawing is a noun. But "drawing trees is
fun" cannot change to "drawings trees is fun", so it is a verb here.
verbs can take objects or complements, but nouns cannot. So, in
"parking the car is hard", parking is a verb because it takes the object
the car. But, if you say, "there's no parking", parking may be a noun
because it does not have an object.
Verbs vs. prepositions
Some verbs have become prepositions. Again, usually these share a shape with participles. Here are some examples:
• Given the problems, I do not think we should go.
• We have many helpers, including John.
• According to the map, we are here.
• He went to hospital following' the fight.
main difference between verbs and prepositions is that verbs have a
subject. Even if the subject is not written, you can understand what it
is. Prepositions do not have a subject.
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Tugas Ke-2
- Jason’s fathe bought him (A) bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday
- (The) statue of liberty was a gift of friendship from (A) france to (An) united states
- Rita is studying (An) english and (A) math this semester
- (The) judged asked (A) witness to tell the truth
- Please give me (A) cup of (A) coffee with (A) cream and (A) sugar
- (The) big books on (A) table are for my history class
- When you go to ( The) store, please buy (A) bottle of (A) chocolate milk and (A) dozen oranges
- There are only (A) seats left for (The) tonight’s musical at (An) university
- John and mercy went to (A) school yesterday and then studied in (A) library before returning home
- What did you eat for (A) breakfast this morning?
- Rita plays (A) violin and her sister plays (A) guitar
- While we were in (An) alaska, we saw (An) eskimo village
- (A) chair that you are sitting is broken
- On our tripto (The) spain, we crosed (An) atlantic ocean
- Phil cannot go to (The) movies tonight because he has to write (An) eassy
- This pen isn’t working. Please give me (Another)
- If you’re still thirsty. I’ll make (Another) pot of coffee
- This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me (Another)
- He doesn’t need those books. He needs (Another)
- There are thirty peoples in the room. Twenty are from latin america and (The others) are from (Other) countries
- Six people are in the store. Two were buying meat (Another) was looking at magazine (Another) was eating a candy bar (The others) were walking around looking for more food
- This glass of milk is sour (The other) glass of milk is sour too
- The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice (Another) was marching (Another) was at attention and (Another) was practicing combat tactics
- There are seven students from japan (Others) are from iran, and (The others) are from (Other) place
- We looked at car’s today. The first two we far too expensive, but (The Other) ones were reasonably priced
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